At SF Learning, we’re committed to giving children opportunities to explore, grow, and learn both inside and outside...
At SF School, we’re passionate about empowering parents like you.
Our blog provides expert guidance, helpful tips, and valuable resources to support your child’s early learning and development.
Screen Time Limits: Tips for Setting Healthy Boundaries and Choosing Age-Appropriate Media
In today's digital age, screens are a significant part of children's lives. At SF School, we understand the importance...
The Importance of Play: Unlocking the Power of Unstructured Time
Have you ever watched a child deeply engrossed in play? Whether they're building elaborate forts, pretending to be...
Building Blocks of Development: A Guide to Child Development Milestones
As children grow, they undergo significant developmental changes. Understanding these milestones can help parents and...
Building Strong Social Skills in Preschool: Strategies for Success
Creating a nurturing environment for preschoolers is essential for their social development. At our San Francisco...
Fine Motor Skills: A Fall Harvest of Development
Fall is a season filled with vibrant colors, crisp air, and exciting activities. But did you know that these autumnal...
Embracing Spring with Sensory Play at SF School
Spring is in the air, and what better way to celebrate the season than through engaging sensory play? At SF School, we...
Transitioning to Daycare: Tips for Helping Children Adjust to the Daycare Environment
Starting daycare can be an exciting yet challenging milestone for both children and their parents. The transition from...
Building Strong Foundations: The Importance of Early Childhood Education
Early childhood education plays a pivotal role in shaping a child's future. It provides a solid foundation for...